
Yorkshire Library

Instructor: Ms. Baldwin

"The library is the best place to make a mistake!"

Ms. Baldwin's Mission

Ms. Baldwin's mission is to use the resources of the Yorkshire Elementary School Library to train all students to become effective users and participants in the information age. She aims to ensure that all students become lifelong learners by utilizing print and electronic resources. Ms. Baldwin collaborates with teachers and supports classroom learning through materials acquisition, library instruction, and classroom support to best ensure student success. Furthermore, Ms. Baldwin promotes the values of librarianship and strives to become a visible, active member of the school community.

Library Lessons

Lessons are 45 minutes once every six school days. Students will receive instruction on the proper use of libraries, library organization, book care, book selection, research, and the use of digital tools and resources. Students will be permitted the last 15 minutes of library time for book selection and checkout.


The Yorkshire Elementary School Library allows students to access a number of both print and electronic resources. Students will receive instruction on the proper use of those resources in both the library and their classrooms.